Wind Chill Calculator

Free Wind Chill Calculator

Wind Chill Calculator is a free online calculator that allows you to find wind speed using this wind chill calculator.

If we talk about what wind chill is, then wind chill is a term to describe what the air temperature feels to the human skin due to the combination of cold temperatures and winds blowing on the exposed skin.

In simple words, if you are outside, you will feel like the air is colder temperature, and the higher the colder is wind speeds.

How to Calculate the Wind Chill?

To calculate the wind chill, you need a temperature: use a thermometer or your current conditions. The wind speed: you can use our guide to estimate the wind speed by watching the movement of trees and flags.

It is very easy to calculate the wind chill from this calculator. You can enter the temperature (this tool shows in degrees Fahrenheit) and wind speed.

If you don’t know the wind speed, see the flags and winds, and then by looking at them, you can guess what their speed can be. Put the estimation of wind speed and press the “Calculate”, this calculator shows the results to you. 


This calculator gives an estimation of ​​what temperature the body is feeling as a result of wind speed and actual air temperature.

It helps you to determine when dangerous conditions develop that could lead to hypothermia and frostbite.

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