Heat Index Calculator
Heat Index Calculator is a free online calculator to determine the heat index using the chart above, you need to know the air temperature and the relative humidity.
For Example, if the air temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the relative humidity is 55%, the heat index will be 154 degrees Fahrenheit.
How is it used?
Firstly, you can enter the temperature (this tool shows the temperature in Fahrenheit) and enter the relative humidity(%), then press the “Calculate” button.
Effects of Heat Index
Once the heat index exceeds 90 degrees, heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, cramps, and heat stock become possible for extended exposure to extreme heat, particularly for vulnerable populations.
How can Extreme heat be Avoided?
The way to avoid extreme heat is to plant more trees in your house and have more greenery, it also makes a difference in the heat, that is, it reduces.
How is this beneficial, tell us some Points.
The heat index also known as Apparent Temperature, provides several benefits:
- It can help manage energy consumption.
- It can enhance weather forecast accuracy.
- This index is a more accurate measure that correlates thermoregulation, air temperature, and relative humidity.
This Index of Heat lets people know how much heat the human body can handle before it becomes dangerous. So, it is beneficial for us because it protects us from danger